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Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. Nat Immunol. 2017 01 03; 127(1):55-64. Gastroenterology. Alcohol, intestinal bacterial growth, intestinal permeability to endotoxin, and medical consequences: summary of a symposium. Jobin C, Bradham CA, Russo MP, Juma B, Narula AS. Hepatology. J Immunol. WebBrenners wife, Jill Silverman Brenner, M.D., is a primary care internist and rheumatologist. GIV/Girdin is a central hub for profibrogenic signalling networks during liver fibrosis. WebDavid Brenner. Inherited human cPLA(2alpha) deficiency is associated with impaired eicosanoid biosynthesis, small intestinal ulceration, and platelet dysfunction. Corn oil rapidly activates nuclear factor-kappaB in hepatic Kupffer cells by oxidant-dependent mechanisms. Caussy C, Bhargava M, Villesen IF, Gudmann NS, Leeming DJ, Karsdal MA, Faulkner C, Bao D, Liu A, Lo MT, Bettencourt R, Bassirian S. The Role of Fibrosis and Liver-Associated Fibroblasts in the Pathogenesis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 2013 Mar; 37(6):630-9. 1998 Aug; 115(2):443-51. 2019 01; 17(2):218-230. Bradykinin attenuates hepatocellular damage and fibrosis in rats with chronic liver injury. A single promoter directs both housekeeping and erythroid preferential expression of the human ferrochelatase gene. Identification of c-fos-responsive elements downstream of TAR in the long terminal repeat of human immunodeficiency virus type-1. Up-Regulated during the activation process of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 impaired eicosanoid biosynthesis, small intestinal ulceration and. 2005 Apr 08 ; 280 ( 14 ):13374-82 AD, Garcia AM, Westwick JK, JJ... 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