C) apply D) Freedom of Information Act B) shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. C) insufficient resources. E) fine-tune merchandise availability. It plans to grow by producing high-quality water toys at a low cost that are delivered in a timely manner. B) the balanced scorecard Each has different characteristics and goals. Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central business activities of DoubleClick involve? Q. C) balanced scorecard D) provides entirely Internet-driven services or virtual products. C) manufacturing and production B) identifying the stakeholders. D) locks managers into stable spending arrangements. internal business processes a 11. B) technology, people, culture, and structure. E) budget, Why is it important for management to use a balanced scorecard? A) market share Self-Concept. 2. E) Improved decision making. Finally, think about the ripple effects of improving each of these areas and whether fixing certain issues in a specific order might be most beneficial. Internal processes are an aspect of the balanced scorecard method, which is a performance metric an organization can use to identify areas that may need improvement. While this sounds pretty straightforward, the European Investment Bank found that teams typically put less than 10% of their total composition of investment into BPI initiatives. Spam is legally defined as any e-mail that is unsolicited. Without adhering to such regulations a company can be fined extensively which if it was bad enough could cause the company to shut down. A) internal business process perspective B) Successful implementation requires commitment and leadership from top management. Factor # 1. Edwin Hollander, after many years of studying leadership, suggested that the follower is the most critical factor in any leadership event. A) evaluating the firm's internal and external situation. 11. C) management and leadership. This commitment to excellence should extend beyond singular initiatives, and become part of your organizations ethos. Role Perception 5. E) too much control, Recruiters for Eastern Shore University were under extreme pressure to increase enrollment by 15 percent. Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called: Examples of internal EEFs are company infrastructure, skill availability, risk attitude, governance approach, etc. E) oversees the company's security policy. C) career readiness D) an extranet. D) Spyware C) too much control Justin Lionel and Courtney Morehouse share net income in a 2:1 ratio. His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family. The company has overcome which of the following barriers to success of control systems? The Theory of Constraints is all about identifying the root cause of a performance issue then working relentlessly to remove this main problem for good. E) team leaders. A) employee education and skill level Examples of external EEFs are political and . Many professors complained that their time would be better spent preparing for their courses. Which of the following may lead to competitive advantage? D) flexible and encourages self-control Standards are best measured when they are D) taking corrective action A) a strategic map Naseef Asad invested $75,000 in the Lionel and Morehouse partnership for ownership equity of$75,000. A) Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer. D) time taken to replace defective products. A) to compare measured performance against the standards established A) internal business process perspective Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a successful control system? D) expense budget. A) dashboard A) drug test B) Renew standards. Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called: D) overemphasis on means instead of ends B) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act C) develop synergies. As shown above, organizations typically invest in technology to: The following, then, are all but essential to your BPI efforts: While we touched on some of the key steps for improving business processes when discussing methodologies, lets now take a more comprehensive look at what these all entail. C) cash A) feedforward. E) presenting data in understandable terms. D) the total salon services and products sold. Which of the following statements about organizations is not true? All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact on business firms except: In ________, raw data is systematically acquired and transformed during various stages that add value to that information. E) requires more time from managers than zero-based budgeting. C) employee-satisfaction ratings Which of the following is a primary function of management? Motivation 2. C) Make sure they know you are taking the new role seriously and come in early and stay late. C) ability to find low-cost suppliers. B) It can be managed and nurtured. E) Secondary activities, Malicious software that is installed secretly on your computer by other applications and that tracks your online movements is called spyware. On top of achieving immediate results, this also opens the door for even more powerful improvements at every step. C) growth driver E) It is strategic and results oriented. E) randomly. Indicate which digit in 2,345,925 has place value A) employee commitment and customer satisfaction. Which kind of organization is most likely to try to exert too much control? As we said above, this could mean anything from making a quick fix to introducing an entirely separate improvement initiative. C) new market entrants, substitute products and services, customers, and suppliers. B) Business processes are a collection of standard operating procedures. E) capital, Charmaine was required to take an Excel spreadsheet test as part of her application for an executive assistant position. ________ is the amount of acceptable deviation from a standard, determined when the standard was established. D) customer C) They are detecting opportunities and increasing innovation. C) It is temporary and in service of someone else. B) economic value added E) cash, At Taylor Activewear, orders have significantly exceeded projections, and Macon, the operations director, has decided to hire for a third shift in the plant. A) Establish standards. 13 It is, after all, the follower who perceives the situation and comes to define the needs that the leader must fulfill. B) Today, most firms are fully digital. A) the distinction between tangible and intangible ideas. D) increases in transaction costs. Motivation: Motivation is the primary force that drives a person to action. 20 Questions Show answers. D) an increase in operating income from productivity gains, Riter Corporation manufactures water toys. D) It can be created to fit your values and needs. Supply chain management systems are more externally oriented than enterprise systems. D True or False. E) core competency. This article throws light upon the six main factors that affect individual performance. C) Digital firms offer extraordinary opportunities for flexible global organization and management. D) sales and marketing D) crafting a course of action. C) encouraging good communication and mutual participation. True or False. C) Customer D) autocratic Low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and supplier intimacy. If your main supplier was late in delivering goods, which type of system would you use to update your production schedule? Question 1. E) statistical process control. A) Copyright law With the right data in hand, you can be nearly certain that the changes you make to your processes will lead to better and better things for your business. The Theory of Constraints also holds that fixing downstream issues before attacking this root cause is pointless, as the problem will simply manifest in a different way somewhere down the line. B) the risk aversion principle B) to show a significant deviation from standards All of the following are competitive forces in Porter's model except: A) Musical compositions C) the reduction in travel times and the ubiquity of global exchange and travel. A) Improved efficiency He was now ready to assess his How would you describe King Power and Light's control system? The four major competitive strategies are: In countries where the public does not have a significant amount of influence over the system of taxation, that system may reflect more closely the values of those in power. 120 seconds. D) preventing client computers from accepting cookies. E) e-government. B) overemphasis on paperwork D) CTO B) market niche D) They provide services on demand. A) employee retention C) Middle management A) It belongs to you and lasts a lifetime. At Fresh Bakery, Simon pulls six samples an hour from an assembly line to examine them for quality defects. Values that influence decision-making. D. Beliefs and reactions to situations. As a result, they admitted many students who were marginally qualified and who performed poorly in classes. D) annually. A) His action is acceptable, because the grocer suffers the least harm. Depending on the situation, enabling your team may involve: You might need to let your team practice implementation of the new process before actually doing so. E) nowhere, because they are only used during a visit and are discarded once a visitor leaves the Web site. Better yet, youll be allocating resources more effectively allowing your team to squeeze even more value out of them than youd anticipated. B) Functional In addition, he . q = p(r + s), for p. Which of the following statements about business processes is not true? D) better meet customer demands. C) realistic, positive, and understandable Business managers and executives have a responsibility to examine internal concerns for how they may influence company decisions. Which of the following is part of Deming's PDCA cycle? A focused and uncompromising commitment to improving business processes is crucial. An informal group can be considered to be an organization. Issue and defect management procedures. A) Because benchmarks are not being set or are being set too low. What will you advise as the first step? C) learning and growth perspective E) fostering synergies among departments. Now, you can begin working with your team to create an improvement plan and put it into action. This will help you dig past the surface, potentially uncovering the true root cause of an even more complex problem to tackle. As you go, note any discrepancies you discover, as this will give you a head start on future improvements. B) Improved decision making Recently, the purchase of a 14-ounce bag of M&Ms Plain had 444 candies with the following breakdown by color: 130 brown, 98 yellow, 96 red, 35 orange, 52 blue, and 33 green. B) overemphasis on paperwork. The supervisor is doing which step of the control process? D) customer-retention percentage, 17) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include all of the following EXCEPT: Political (Citizen) Involvement. C) an intranet. A) COPPA E) variable. Giving them additional time and resources to improve, Introducing new technology to your tech stack, How you can improve the process even further, How other processes have been enabled by your efforts, Where you should shift your focus to next. B) TPS Several characteristics unique to our personalities can affect how we see others. All of the following are IT-enabled products and services providing competitive advantage except: C) translates business problems into information requirements. (And, as they become more efficient, theyll have more time and energy to provide even more value to the business via innovation and creative work.). E) efficiency. C) translating the mission into strategic goals. Techniques for improving quality include all of the following EXCEPT D) statistical process control. Six Sigma offers two separate processes for improvement: In both cases, the 6Ms of Six Sigma drive all efforts to improve performance in a comprehensive, cohesive manner. A number of methodologies have been developed over the years for improving business processes within a variety of contexts and scenarios. 1. A) Relational D) percentage of bids won D) Digital firms sense and respond to their environments more rapidly than traditional firms. E) Terrestrial radio, Which of the following is not protected by copyright law? Stewart believes that putting additional resources into R&D and staying ahead of the competition with technological innovations is critical to implementing its strategy. True or False, Which of the following industries has the lowest barrier to entry? More than merely ironing things out and maintaining the status quo, you can actively look for ways to bring in even more cash and to do so in the most economic way possible. A climate of trust is enhanced when leaders: A. Micromanage. C) incremental budgeting Its these ongoing tasks that make your company what it is and that determine how successful your company can be. D) defect rates, 16) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include: A(n) ________ budget allocates resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs. Regardless of the specifics, your efforts to improve should adhere to the following. That said, the initial focus of lean BPI is on removing friction while maintaining your current productivity levels. E) producing effective long-term results, A) ignoring the more important and difficult activities. C) organizing. C) production schedule Why? A) It tells the story of a company's strategy by articulating a sequence of cause-and-effect relationships. C) A bookseller selling an e-book reader that reads only the bookseller's books. D) decentralized In other words, lean focuses on perfecting your current processes before you begin thinking of adding even more complexity to the mix. True or False. C) Survival A) creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases. B) "I was able to learn from this experience. E) Zero-based control. 29. C) allows easy comparison of different departments doing different activities. Informal processes, of course, will need to be documented for the first time. D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services. A) Business processes influence the relationship between an organization and information technology. The follower is not a passive player in the leadership process. Its why the agile approach is so common here, as it allows your team to pivot on-the-fly while remaining laser-focused on your ultimate goals for process improvement. C) learning and growth perspective A) ESS D) an increase in operating income from increased profit margins, 26) Managers need to evaluate the success of a strategy by: E) Privacy law, What is the most important function of an enterprise application? He is meeting with a head hunter later in the week. B) customer perspective You can read about the history of the product, find ideas for baking, purchase the candies in the colors of your school or favorite team, and learn the percent of each color in the standard bags. Education influences health outcomes through ALL of the following mechanisms EXCEPT. (Incidentally, these issues are likely impacting many other areas of your organization, as well.). B) HIPAA D) Align processes with goals. Check out our favorites, Some of the best case studies to improve your knowledge base. In other words, your data should be the catalyst for change within your organization. B) measuring performance True or False, The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following? At the very least, youll be minimizing the number of resources wasted. Which of the following statements about digital firms is not true? B) customer perspective C) Satellite radio A) finance and accounting E) managerial. Which of the following is NOT one of the seven challenges a manager must deal with in the 21st century? Organizations moving towards adopting sustainable business development has become a necessity. B) low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and supplier intimacy. D) financial perspective, 23) Surveys of employee satisfaction is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: Simon's job involves True or False, A TPS is an information system that keeps track of all of the daily routine transactions of a business. A) operating income These more practical improvements will mean more (and more valuable) opportunities for team members to interact for various purposes. The first is for processes, policies, and procedures for conducting work, which includes the following: Policies Procedures Standard templates General guidelines The project management team cannot update or modify these elements usually, as they have been provided by the organization. C) comparing performance to standards D) local suppliers. Firstly, you must be prepared to invest properly into the initiative, in terms of manpower, resources, and capital. Question: Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes Except: ______________ making customers aware of the product submitting the order checking the customer's credit shipping the product assembling the product Question 18 1 Point According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as A) Amazon's one-click shopping. Araceli has a new manager who she suspects might be a micromanager. E) is limited by traditional organizational boundaries. C) middle managers. D.Project closing guidelines. B) restructuring. E) fixed, A(n) ________ budget is one that can be adjusted over time for changing environmental conditions. A) 1 only C) anonymous email. A) cash flow statement. C) ratio analysis Which of the following is not a U.S. federal law affecting private institutions? E) to characterize informal structural arrangements, B) to view performance in several areas simultaneously, Which of the following is NOT a belief measure on the balanced scorecard in relation to customers? A) feed-forward control. Obviously, working to improve your customer-facing processes (e.g., sales engagements, user onboarding, customer service, etc.) C) strategic c. internal influences Hannah believes that Mac computers are better than Windows-based computers because they are not as vulnerable to computer viruses.This thinking or mental processes that Hannah is engaged in represents which psychological element? As mentioned, standardizing your core processes will eventually make these processes second nature to your team. True or False, The law of diminishing returns only applies to digital products. From there, youll switch to a bottom-up approach. B) outsourcing. E) to quantify the performance level for a given goal, D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits. Customer satisfaction is an important focus for marketers because. A) An intranet A man steals from a grocery store in order to feed his starving family. Information systems enable globalization. These processes are goal-oriented and ensure that business operations are carried out efficiently and seamlessly. E) balance sheet, Which of the following is NOT characteristic of an external audit? For example, DSI adopted Helpjuices knowledge base software to streamline internal access to company knowledge which in turn led to more efficient and effective service calls for their customers. C) Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers A) Identify the business ecosystem the distributor is A) allows comparison using various units, like labor hours and dollars. Prior to the investment, equipment was revalued to a market value of $57,000 from a book value of$33,000. D) Cause-and-effect linkages may not be precise and should evolve over time. B) Companies should determine which workers are to blame for problems. If one element brings positive effects to company, it is considered as strength. D) An extranet A) setting realistic performance results. B) quantifiable. C) learning and growth perspective This is why continually improving your business internal processes is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your organization. Installing quality-control procedures that can be audited by independent quality-control experts is fundamental to Similarly, you might choose to slowly unroll the new process to different teams or departments as needed. A) e-commerce. This means embracing the idea that the status quo is mere table stakes at all times and that its always possible to do more in some way. B) reduction of labor costs through outsourcing. A) weekly. D) financial perspective, 22) Manufacturing cycle efficiency is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: Identify three environmental factors influenced by family that affect human behavior. In fact, 84% of teams surveyed by Camunda in 2020 plan on investing more into automation technology for those specific purposes. E) Companies should aim at improving the system. Mistletoe still has control problems, however, because its managers refuse to act on the information they receive. I am surprised they were able to stay in business that long." B) benchmarking. In some cases, your BPI initiatives will focus on improving communication-specific workflows (e.g., adding new chat tools, refining contact protocols, etc.). Information systems enhance core competencies by: D) It increases employee commitment and workers taking responsibility for their performance. C) The Freedom of Information Act Essentially, the agile approach to BPI involves: The idea behind agile is to make the most immediately practical and impactful improvement possible at any given moment. Ask yourself: (Note: You may already have this background info in hand from previous steps.). D. Political influence. C) identifying the options you can reasonably take. D) 1 and 3 A) assigning responsibility. D) customers. B. B) They are discovering irregularities and errors. She is reviewing the company's five-year plan and deciding if any corrective actions are needed. E) The opt-out model, Copyright is a legal protection given to creators of certain types of intellectual property. Which of the following U.S. laws gives patients access to personal medical records and the right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed? Project closing guidelines. C) financial A) number of process improvements B) motivation and passion for her career D) Customer intimacy D) Manufacturing and production The U.S. Department of Commerce developed a ________ framework in order to enable U.S. businesses to legally use personal data from EU countries. B) doing a cost-benefit analysis True or False, One example of a business process is shipping a product to a customer. E) costs, tasks, structure, and management. Enright Industrial Leasing has effective control processes, allowing its managers to discover ________ in bookkeeping right away, before a would-be embezzler could seriously affect its business. B) Companies should determine which workers are to blame for problems. E) graphic interface, A(n) ________ budget allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point. D) verifies that generally accepted accounting principles have been followed Learn how Brixly instantly achieved a positive ROI after introducing Helpjuice to their customer service processes. True or False, A ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm. C) His action is wrong, because the man would not want the grocer to steal from him. C) to save companies in payroll costs The Internet increases the bargaining power of customers by: 1) ________ translates an organization's mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provide the framework for implementing its strategy. The supervisor observed him while he tried it again and gave suggestions for improvement. E) tactical. A) Benchmarking C) quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. A) CEO B) Because many companies have implemented enterprise resource planning, integrating business practices. D) Benchmark D) His action is wrong, because if everyone were to do this, the concept of personal property is defeated. E) balance sheet. The most effective type of personal influence to use when buy-in is required is: A. Interpersonal influence. C) FIP principles E) They are decentralizing decision making. E) Nike's use of celebrities to market their products. C) zero-based C) time taken to deliver product to customers A) more suppliers. The internal factors are Size of organization Recruiting policy Image of organization Image of job Size of Organization The size of the organization is one of the most important factors affecting the recruitment process. ________ is the process of instituting ongoing small, incremental improvements in all parts of an organization. Evan accidentally quoted a customer a price for new flooring that was more than $1,000 less than the actual price. Internal impacts The internal factors refer to anything within the company and under the control of the company no matter they are tangible or intangible. In the VALS framework, two segments stand apart based on their abundance or lack of psychological, physical, and material __________. E) Innovation and learning, According to Kaplan and Norton, ________ maps are "visual representations of a company's critical objectives and the crucial relationships among them that drive organizational performance." Business process improvement (BPI) can also help you zero in on the root cause of problems within your workflows. While the decision-making process itself appears quite standardized, no two people make a decision in exactly the same way. B) Reengineering D) A department store creating specialized products for preferred customers. How all these factors interact with each other ensures that each of us is unique in our consumer actions and choices. A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth. A) expense budget What signs should she watch for from him? D) Bureaucratic E) making changes, How is a control chart used? The internal environment. True or False, Which of the following would a company employ to measure and compare its business processes to similar processes of other companies within their industry? E) Business processes are typically . B) It seems like it will require a lot of paperwork. When it comes to revenue-generating initiatives, the skys the limit for what youll be able to accomplish. C) overemphasis on means instead of ends. C) Radical innovation B) big data. B) The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act B) Computer chip Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Notions of time B. Staying focused also keeps all controllable variables to a minimum, increasing the reliability of your performance data. C) A business firm is a collection of business processes. Cliche as it may be, theres a ton of truth to the old moving parts metaphor. An internal process is any operation that takes place within your organization on behalf of your business, for business purposes. C) Solar energy B) market What is a set? Why is it important to control the supply chain? A) IoT. E) CKO, According to ________, you should take the action that produces the least harm. The ________ function is responsible for identifying customers. C) It is temporary and in service of someone else. C) access. These include (1) self-concept, (2) cognitive structure, (3) response salience, and (4) previous experience with the individual. For more than a decade, he has beena witty, powerful voice for why UX is critical to value creation within businesses. It asks for delivering existing products and services to best meet the needs of customers. B) new product development time B) timely, accurate, and objective B) Human resources D) people orientation and improvement orientation. This group determines who gets hired and fired, the company culture, the financial position of the organization, and everything in between. E) FTP, Competitors were seeking which of the following business objectives when they rushed to provide ATMs after Citibank introduced the first ATMs in New York? A) internal business To do this, teams often create a fishbone diagram using the 6Ms of Six Sigma. A) e-mail encryption. (Note that organizations may use multiple methodologies for various purposes at different times and sometimes even simultaneously.). D) safety. D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization's culture. A) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches B) transmit orders to restock directly to its suppliers. The four major types of enterprise applications are: C) submitting the order. E) a rigorous statistical analysis process that reduces defects in manufacturing and service-related processes, D) a philosophy of small continuous improvement that seeks to involve everyone at every level of the organization. Uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas. For one thing, youll be keeping costs to a minimum while at least maintaining the same levels of productivity. D) FIP Hired and fired, the law of diminishing returns only applies to digital products separate improvement initiative, customer. The situation and comes to revenue-generating initiatives, and capital skill level Examples of external EEFs are political.! Marketers because the four major types of enterprise applications are: c ) manufacturing and production b ) market D... Company to shut down, Recruiters for Eastern Shore University were under pressure! 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